
The following is a partial list of articles I have written for Yahoo!Voices, ranging in topics from ethics to finance.  Since Yahoo!Voices is closing down, I shall list only the titles, since the links to those articles are no longer be viable: 

1/01/2013 - The Second Deadly Sin - The Seven Deadly Sins were canonized as a means of controlling behavior; yet, of all the sins, gluttony is the most ironic of all.

12/30/2012 - The Healing Code - To be sure, there are many traditional, as well as alternative approaches to good health. Now, the book, The Healing Code presents yet another approach.

11/6/2012 - The Case for Healthy Eating - Our healthcare system needs more than government to fix it - it needs our personal attention!

10/23/2012 - First Person: Social Security's Solvency is Top Priority for this Florida Senior - As election day nears, the candidates are increasing their rhetoric, and the media chimes in with opinions of their own.

10/15/2012 - Freelance Writing Jobs - Today's economy demands some creative avenues to earning an income. If you can write, you can earn a living.

10/12/2012 - RETIRED AT 50! Is It Really a Dream Come True? - Early retirement is touted as a dream for most workers. Is it?

10/8/2012 - Why I Rarely Buy Call Options - Fully 80 percent of all options expire worthless. Therefore, I do not buy them - rather, sell options to make money!

9/27/2012 - JAPAN - COURTESY, GOOD TRANSPORTATION, GREAT FOOD ... AND NOW on SALE! - Japan has not been on many retirement lists. This article proposes to dismantle some misapprehension about the Land of the Rising Sun

9/22/2012 - A Great Way to Make Money in This Economy - Options have gotten a bad rap. But this is undeserved. Find out how to make money by acting as the insurance company by collecting premiums month after month

8/31/2012 - How to Develop More Self-Esteem - Some very notable luminaries have written at length about self-esteem.  Here is my take. 

8/23/2012 - How I Eliminated $300,000 in Mortgage Debt - The real estate market has suffered its greatest decline in forty years. But with declining prices come many opportunities. Discover the benefits - and pitfalls - of the short sale.

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